Tired Of Your Slow Computer? Make It FAST Again With Xtra-PC!Clever new device is helping people avoid spending hundreds (or even thousands) on brand new computers. Read below to see how it works…Is your computer painfully slow? ...

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Hate throwing away those items that “just can’t be fixed”? Broken glasses? Repaired. Leaky plumbing holes? Patched. Broken dishes? Not anymore! Simply apply Bondic’s special liquid-plastic formula to the item you need repaired, shine the special UV ...

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​​Turn Your Toilet Into a Night Light:  Does this sound familiar? You shuffle your way to the bathroom in the middle of the night and you hit that light switch. BAM! Suddenly it’s like you’re staring at ...

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If you have been paying for cable this year you have been getting ripped off by greedy cable companies. In fact, over 20 million Americans cancelled their cable subscriptions last year alone. TVBuddy allows you to stream ...

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When was the last time you backed up your photos? Think about it… If your computer crashed today, how much would you lose? The Problem: If you store your photos and videos on your computer or 'the cloud' then ...

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NASA’s Solution for Dirty Glasses  (Now Available to The Public)  Seriously, why is it sooo dang hard to get glasses clean? Cloths, wipes, sprays… your shirt… (you know you do it!) You just end up chasing the ...

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